James Patterson – Movie Reviews – U

U2 3D
This is perfect for people whose heads still want to go to concerts but their bodies don’t. This is very well done and actually somewhat better than being there. Of course you have to like U2, which I do.

A United Kingdom
A powerful story on the history of Africa. Terrific performances. A bit too much Hollywood whitewash. B+
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Claire Foy is great in a role that couldn’t be more different than her playing Queen Elizabeth. The suspense is good although there are holes in the plot you could drive a tank through. I worked my way through college in a mental hospital so this is particularly interesting to me. Also interesting was the fact the whole movie was shot on an iPhone 7 Plus. B+

Pick of the Week
Unstoppable is a whole lot like The Taking of Pelham 123, but more realistic and with less violence. Truly riveting and watchable, especially if you’re a Denzel fan, which I am.

Pick of the Week
My son, Jack, liked this one a ton. He called it funny, sad, unforgettable—so his movie creds have been partially restored (See Land of the Lost review). As for me, I think Up is probably the best movie I’ve seen so far this year. Somebody at Pixar is a real genius, but I’ve never seen much written about whoever this person is.

Up in the Air
Pick of the Week
This movie is based on a novel, and it plays on the screen like a novel, a very good one. George Clooney plays a total prick who somehow manages to be charming and relatable. This is a really well done fable for these crazy times we live in.

Provocative. Really good performances. Especially Lupita Nyong’o. Quirky. Different. But I thought Get Out was better. B+