James Patterson – Booksellers

Holiday Bookstore Bonus Program
Since 2015, James Patterson has given holiday bonuses ranging from $500–$5,000 to employees of independent bookstores.
$2.7 Million Campaign for Independent Bookstores
James Patterson’s independent-bookstore campaign was featured in the New York Times and Publisher’s Weekly, as well as on CBS This Morning and NPR’s Morning Edition.

BINC Foundation Inaugural Ambassadors
James Patterson and Ann Patchett were named inaugural ambassadors of the Book Industry Charitable (BINC) Foundation because of their support for the foundation’s mission to provide booksellers with personal financial assistance. BINC grew out of a wish of bookstore employees to establish a fund to help their colleagues experiencing unexpected financial crises. The foundation is dedicated to assisting bookstore and comic store employees across the United States in their greatest time of need. For more information, visit: http://www.bincfoundation.org.